Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into software engineering can transform traditional practices by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. This study explores using ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, to enhance UML class diagrams dynamically, an underexplored area. Traditionally, creating and maintaining class diagrams are manual, time-consuming, and error-prone processes. This research leverages natural language processing (NLP) techniques to automate the extraction of methods and interactions from detailed use case tables and integrate them into class diagrams. The methodology involves several steps: (1) developing detailed natural language use case tables by master's degree students for a "Waste Recycling Platform," (2) creating an initial static class diagram based on these tables, (3) iteratively enriching the class diagram through ChatGPT integration to analyze use cases and suggest methods, (4) reviewing and incorporating these methods into the class diagram, and (5) dynamically updating the PlantUML \cite{plantuml} class diagram, followed by evaluation and refinement. Findings indicate that the AI-driven approach significantly improves the accuracy and completeness of the class diagram. Additionally, dynamic enhancement aligns well with Agile development practices, facilitating rapid iterations and continuous improvement. Key contributions include demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of integrating AI into software modeling tasks, providing a comprehensive representation of system behaviors and interactions, and highlighting AI's potential to streamline and improve existing software engineering processes. Future research should address identified limitations and explore AI applications in other software models.