Given a video demonstration, can we imitate the action contained in this video? In this paper, we introduce a novel task, dubbed mesh-based action imitation. The goal of this task is to enable an arbitrary target human mesh to perform the same action shown on the video demonstration. To achieve this, a novel Mesh-based Video Action Imitation (M-VAI) method is proposed by us. M-VAI first learns to reconstruct the meshes from the given source image frames, then the initial recovered mesh sequence is fed into mesh2mesh, a mesh sequence smooth module proposed by us, to improve the temporal consistency. Finally, we imitate the actions by transferring the pose from the constructed human body to our target identity mesh. High-quality and detailed human body meshes can be generated by using our M-VAI. Extensive experiments demonstrate the feasibility of our task and the effectiveness of our proposed method.
翻译:在视频演示中, 我们能否模仿这段视频中包含的动作? 在本文中, 我们引入了一个新任务, 称为网状网格仿真。 任务的目标是让任意的目标人类网格能够执行在视频演示中显示的同样动作。 为了实现这一点, 我们提出了一个基于网状网格的新颖的视频行动模仿( M- VAI) 方法。 M- VAI首先学习从给定的源图像框中重建网格, 然后初始回收网格序列被输入到网状网状网格图案中, 一个由我们提议的光滑模块, 来改善时间一致性。 最后, 我们模仿了这些动作, 将建筑的人体的外观转换到我们的目标标识网格中。 高品质和详细的人体网格可以通过使用我们的M- VAI生成。 广泛的实验证明了我们的任务的可行性和我们拟议方法的有效性。