Stock Market can be easily seen as one of the most attractive places for investors, but it is also very complex in terms of making trading decisions. Predicting the market is a risky venture because of the uncertainties and nonlinear nature of the market. Deciding on the right time to trade is key to every successful trader as it can lead to either a huge gain of money or totally a loss in investment that will be recorded as a careless trade. The aim of this research is to develop a prediction system for stock market using Fuzzy Logic Type2 which will handle these uncertainties and complexities of human behaviour in general when it comes to buy, hold or sell decision making in stock trading. The proposed system was developed using VB.NET programming language as frontend and Microsoft SQL Server as backend. A total of four different technical indicators were selected for this research. The selected indicators are the Relative Strength Index, William Average, Moving Average Convergence and Divergence, and Stochastic Oscillator. These indicators serve as input variable to the Fuzzy System. The MACD and SO are deployed as primary indicators, while the RSI and WA are used as secondary indicators. Fibonacci retracement ratio was adopted for the secondary indicators to determine their support and resistance level in terms of making trading decisions. The input variables to the Fuzzy System is fuzzified to Low, Medium, and High using the Triangular and Gaussian Membership Function. The Mamdani Type Fuzzy Inference rules were used for combining the trading rules for each input variable to the fuzzy system. The developed system was tested using sample data collected from ten different companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange for a total of fifty two periods. The dataset collected are Opening, High, Low, and Closing prices of each security.
翻译:股票市场可以很容易地被视为投资者最有吸引力的地方之一,但它在作出交易决定方面也是非常复杂的。预测市场是一个风险冒险,因为市场的不确定性和非线性性质。在正确的贸易时间上决定交易时间是每一个成功的交易商的关键,因为它可以带来巨额资金收益,或者完全失去投资,作为粗略的贸易记录。这项研究的目的是利用Fuzzy Locic Type2来开发一个股票市场的预测系统,它将处理在股票交易中一般人类行为的这些不确定性和复杂性。预测市场是一个风险冒险,因为市场是市场的不确定性和非线性。拟议的系统是用VB.NET编程语言作为前端,而Microsoft SQQL服务器作为后端。为这项研究总共选择了四个不同的技术指标。选定的指标是相对实力指数,William 平均值, 移动平均曲线和变速和变速系统。这些指标作为Fuzzy Systel Systemal 系统的投入变量。MACD和SOO是作为基本指标部署的,而RCD和Scial 规则是使用Rial 规则的快速汇率数据,用来决定。