Clinical trials are an integral component of medical research. Trials require careful design to, for example, maintain the safety of participants, use resources efficiently and allow clinically meaningful conclusions to be drawn. Adaptive clinical trials (i.e. trials that can be altered based on evidence that has accrued) are often more efficient, informative and ethical than standard or non-adaptive trials because they require fewer participants, target more promising treatments, and can stop early with sufficient evidence of effectiveness or harm. The design of adaptive trials requires the pre-specification of adaptions that are permissible throughout the conduct of the trial. Proposed adaptive designs are then usually evaluated through simulation which provides indicative metrics of performance (e.g. statistical power and type-1 error) under different scenarios. Trial simulation requires assumptions about the data generating process to be specified but correctly specifying these in practice can be difficult, particularly for new and emerging diseases. To address this, we propose an approach to design adaptive clinical trials without needing to specify the complete data generating process. To facilitate this, we consider a general Bayesian framework where inference about the treatment effect on a time-to-event outcome can be performed via the partial likelihood. As a consequence, the proposed approach to evaluate trial designs is robust to the specific form of the baseline hazard function. The benefits of this approach are demonstrated through the redesign of a recent clinical trial to evaluate whether a third dose of a vaccine provides improved protection against gastroenteritis in Australian Indigenous infants.
翻译:临床试验(即根据积累的证据进行修改的试验)往往比标准或非适应性试验更有效率、更丰富和更符合道德,因为这些试验需要较少的参与者,针对更有希望的治疗,并且可以及早停止,并有足够的有效性或伤害证据。适应性试验的设计要求在整个试验过程中允许的适应性试验的预先具体化。然后通常通过模拟来评价拟议的适应性设计,这种模拟在不同情况下提供指示性的性能指标(例如统计能力和第1类错误)。试验模拟要求对数据产生过程的假设加以具体说明,但在实际中正确地说明这些假设可能是困难的,特别是对于新的和正在出现的疾病。为了解决这个问题,我们建议一种设计适应性临床试验的方法,而不必具体说明完整的数据产生过程。为了便利这一设计,我们考虑一个总的巴伊西亚框架,其中要推断治疗对时间到时间的影响,然后根据不同的假设,通过部分可能性来进行临床试验结果的评估。 最新的临床试验结果的预测是,通过试验结果的精准性能,通过特定的试测方式进行。</s>