This article presents the design and the implementation of a cloud system for knowledge-based autonomous interaction devised for Social Robots and other conversational agents. The system is particularly convenient for low-cost robots and devices: it can be used as a stand-alone dialogue system or as an integration to provide "background" dialogue capabilities to any preexisting Natural Language Processing ability that the robot may already have as part of its basic skills. By connecting to the cloud, developers are provided with a sustainable solution to manage verbal interaction through a network connection, with about 3,000 topics of conversation ready for "chit-chatting" and a library of pre-cooked plans that only needs to be grounded into the robot's physical capabilities. The system is structured as a set of REST API endpoints so that it can be easily expanded by adding new APIs to improve the capabilities of the clients connected to the cloud. Another key feature of the system is that it has been designed to make the development of its clients straightforward: in this way, multiple robots and devices can be easily endowed with the capability of autonomously interacting with the user, understanding when to perform specific actions, and exploiting all the information provided by cloud services. The article outlines and discusses the results of the experiments performed to assess the system's performance in terms of response time, paving the way for its use both for research and market solutions. Links to repositories with clients for ROS and popular robots such as Pepper and NAO are available on request.
翻译:本篇文章介绍了为社会机器人和其他对话代理人设计的基于知识的自主互动云系统的设计和实施。这个系统对于低成本机器人和设备来说特别方便:它可以作为一个独立的对话系统或集成,为机器人可能已经具备的任何原有的自然语言处理能力提供“背景”对话能力。通过连接云层,开发者可以有一个可持续的解决方案,通过网络连接管理口头互动,大约3 000个对话主题准备就绪,供“聊天”使用,以及一个预熟计划图书馆,只需以机器人的物理能力为基础。这个系统可以作为一个单独的对话系统或集成,为机器人可能已经具备的任何原有的自然语言处理能力提供“背景”对话能力。通过连接云层,开发者可以使客户的发展变得简单:通过这种方式,多个机器人和装置可以很容易地拥有与用户进行自主互动的能力,只要能了解机器人的物理能力即可。这个系统的结构结构是一套REST AP API 终端,以便通过添加新的 API 来方便其提高客户与云层连接的能力。这个系统的另一个关键特征是,它的设计是为了使其客户能够轻易与用户进行自主互动,当进行具体的动作操作时,并且利用它所运行的云路路路路路的实验,用来评估其运行,通过运行的功能,用来评估其运行的功能,用来评估其运行结果。 将所有的功能的功能的功能的功能的功能,可以用来评估其运行。</s>