Traditional data assimilation uses information obtained from the propagation of one physics-driven model and combines it with information derived from real-world observations in order to obtain a better estimate of the truth of some natural process. However, in many situations multiple simulation models that describe the same physical phenomenon are available. Such models can have different sources. On one hand there are theory-guided models are constructed from first physical principles, while on the other there are data-driven models that are constructed from snapshots of high fidelity information. In this work we provide a possible way to make use of this collection of models in data assimilation by generalizing the idea of model hierarchies into model forests -- collections of high fidelity and low fidelity models organized in a groping of model trees such as to capture various relationships between different models. We generalize the multifidelity ensemble Kalman filter that previously operated on model hierarchies into the model forest ensemble Kalman filter through a generalized theory of linear control variates. This new filter allows for much more freedom when treading the line between accuracy and speed. Numerical experiments with a high fidelity quasi-geostrophic model and two of its low fidelity reduced order models validate the accuracy of our approach.
翻译:传统数据同化使用一种物理驱动模型传播后获得的信息,并将它与来自现实世界观测的信息结合起来,以更好地估计某些自然过程的真相。然而,在许多情况下,可以找到描述相同物理现象的多种模拟模型。这些模型可能有不同的来源。一方面,理论指导模型是从最初物理原理中构建的,而另一方面,数据驱动模型是从高度忠诚信息的快照中构建的。在这项工作中,我们提供了一种可能的方法,通过将模型等级结构的概念推广到模型森林中,从而在数据同化中利用这种模型的收集,从而更好地估计某些自然过程的真相。然而,在许多情况下,可以使用描述相同物理现象的多种模拟模型模型模型。这些模型可以捕捉不同模型之间各种关系,例如捕捉不同模型之间的各种关系。我们把以前在模型高忠诚度结构中操作的多纤维共性Kalman过滤器,然后通过一种普遍的线性控制变换理论,将这种数据驱动模型纳入模型。这种新过滤器使得在精确性和速度之间划线性线性线性线上可以有更大的自由度。 以高忠诚性模型和低精确性准度模型的精确性模型的精确性模型进行试验。