Can revealing one's competitive capabilities to an opponent offer strategic benefits? In this paper, we address this question in the context of General Lotto games, a class of two-player competitive resource allocation models. We consider an asymmetric information setting where the opponent is uncertain about the resource budget of the other player, and holds a prior belief on its value. We assume the other player, called the signaler, is able to send a noisy signal about its budget to the opponent. With its updated belief, the opponent then must decide to invest in costly resources that it will deploy against the signaler's resource budget in a General Lotto game. We derive the subgame perfect equilibrium to this extensive-form game. In particular, we identify necessary and sufficient conditions for which a signaling policy improves the signaler's resulting performance in comparison to the scenario where it does not send any signal. Moreover, we provide the optimal signaling policy when these conditions are met. Notably we find that for some scenarios, the signaler can effectively double its performance.
翻译:向对手透露一个人的竞争能力能带来战略利益吗? 在本文中, 我们将在玩家Lotto将军游戏的背景下解决这个问题, 这是一种双玩者竞争性资源分配模式。 我们考虑一种不对称的信息设置, 对手对另一个玩家的资源预算不确定, 并且对其价值持有先入之见。 我们假设另一个玩家, 叫做信号器, 能够向对手发出关于其预算的噪音信号。 有了它更新的信念, 对手随后必须决定投资昂贵的资源, 以便用它用信号员的资源预算在Lotto将军的游戏中部署。 我们把子游戏的完美平衡化到这个广泛的组合游戏中。 特别是, 我们确定一个信号政策可以改善信号员业绩的必要和充分条件, 与它不发出信号的情景相比较。 此外, 当这些条件得到满足时, 我们提供最佳的信号政策。 值得注意的是, 我们发现在某些情景中, 信号器可以有效地将其性能增加一倍 。