In order for agents in multi-agent systems (MAS) to be safe, they need to take into account the risks posed by the actions of other agents. However, the dominant paradigm in game theory (GT) assumes that agents are not affected by risk from other agents and only strive to maximise their expected utility. For example, in hybrid human-AI driving systems, it is necessary to limit large deviations in reward resulting from car crashes. Although there are equilibrium concepts in game theory that take into account risk aversion, they either assume that agents are risk-neutral with respect to the uncertainty caused by the actions of other agents, or they are not guaranteed to exist. We introduce a new GT-based Risk-Averse Equilibrium (RAE) that always produces a solution that minimises the potential variance in reward accounting for the strategy of other agents. Theoretically and empirically, we show RAE shares many properties with a Nash Equilibrium (NE), establishing convergence properties and generalising to risk-dominant NE in certain cases. To tackle large-scale problems, we extend RAE to the PSRO multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) framework. We empirically demonstrate the minimum reward variance benefits of RAE in matrix games with high-risk outcomes. Results on MARL experiments show RAE generalises to risk-dominant NE in a trust dilemma game and that it reduces instances of crashing by 7x in an autonomous driving setting versus the best performing baseline.
翻译:为使多试剂系统(MAS)的代理商安全,他们需要考虑到其他代理商的行为所造成的风险。然而,游戏理论(GT)的主导范式假定,代理商不受其他代理商的风险影响,而只是努力最大限度地发挥预期效用。例如,在混合的人类-AI驾驶系统中,有必要限制汽车撞车导致的奖励方面的巨大偏差。虽然游戏理论中存在着考虑到风险规避的平衡概念,但它们要么认为代理商对其他代理商的行为造成的不确定性没有风险,要么认为它们没有保证存在。我们引入一个新的基于GT的风险-反偏向平衡(GT)的范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范(MARSL), 将风险降低风险风险的BAR-L 范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范范式,将风险降低风险风险的BAR-BAR-BAR(MAL)框架。我们从理论上和AAR-BAR-BAR-BAR-MI-MIDAADADMAAAAAAADAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAADADADADADAAADADADADADADADAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA。