Interacting with the actual environment to acquire data is often costly and time-consuming in robotic tasks. Model-based offline reinforcement learning (RL) provides a feasible solution. On the one hand, it eliminates the requirements of interaction with the actual environment. On the other hand, it learns the transition dynamics and reward function from the offline datasets and generates simulated rollouts to accelerate training. Previous model-based offline RL methods adopt probabilistic ensemble neural networks (NN) to model aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. However, this results in an exponential increase in training time and computing resource requirements. Furthermore, these methods are easily disturbed by the accumulative errors of the environment dynamics models when simulating long-term rollouts. To solve the above problems, we propose an uncertainty-aware sequence modeling architecture called Environment Transformer. It models the probability distribution of the environment dynamics and reward function to capture aleatoric uncertainty and treats epistemic uncertainty as a learnable noise parameter. Benefiting from the accurate modeling of the transition dynamics and reward function, Environment Transformer can be combined with arbitrary planning, dynamics programming, or policy optimization algorithms for offline RL. In this case, we perform Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) to learn a conservative Q-function. Through simulation experiments, we demonstrate that our method achieves or exceeds state-of-the-art performance in widely studied offline RL benchmarks. Moreover, we show that Environment Transformer's simulated rollout quality, sample efficiency, and long-term rollout simulation capability are superior to those of previous model-based offline RL methods.