A growing number of college applications has presented an annual challenge for college admissions in the United States. Admission offices have historically relied on standardized test scores to organize large applicant pools into viable subsets for review. However, this approach may be subject to bias in test scores and selection bias in test-taking with recent trends toward test-optional admission. We explore a machine learning-based approach to replace the role of standardized tests in subset generation while taking into account a wide range of factors extracted from student applications to support a more holistic review. We evaluate the approach on data from an undergraduate admission office at a selective US institution (13,248 applications). We find that a prediction model trained on past admission data outperforms an SAT-based heuristic and matches the demographic composition of the last admitted class. We discuss the risks and opportunities for how such a learned model could be leveraged to support human decision-making in college admissions.
翻译:越来越多的大学申请每年对美国大学入学构成挑战,招生办公室历来依靠标准化考试分数来将大型申请人人才库组织成可行的子集供审查,然而,这种做法在考试分数和考试选择上可能带有偏差,与最近考试可选录取趋势相适应。我们探索一种基于机械的学习方法,以取代标准化考试在子组一代中的作用,同时考虑到从学生申请中抽取的各种因素,以支持更全面的审查。我们评估了美国选择性机构本科生录取办公室数据的方法(13 248项申请)。我们发现,对过去录取数据进行的培训的预测模型比基于SAT的超常量性学和与最后被录取的类别的人口构成相匹配。我们讨论了如何利用这种学习模式支持大学录取中的人类决策的风险和机会。