The widespread use of machine learning and data-driven algorithms for decision making has been steadily increasing over many years. The areas in which this is happening are diverse: healthcare, employment, finance, education, the legal system to name a few; and the associated negative side effects are being increasingly harmful for society. Negative data \emph{bias} is one of those, which tends to result in harmful consequences for specific groups of people. Any mitigation strategy or effective policy that addresses the negative consequences of bias must start with awareness that bias exists, together with a way to understand and quantify it. However, there is a lack of consensus on how to measure data bias and oftentimes the intended meaning is context dependent and not uniform within the research community. The main contributions of our work are: (1) a general algorithmic framework for defining and efficiently quantifying the bias level of a dataset with respect to a protected group; and (2) the definition of a new bias measure. Our results are experimentally validated using nine publicly available datasets and theoretically analyzed, which provide novel insights about the problem. Based on our approach, we also derive a bias mitigation algorithm that might be useful to policymakers.