Two algorithms, RECURSIA and RRT, are presented, designed to increase the compression factor achieved using SIATEC-based point-set cover algorithms. RECURSIA recursively applies a TEC cover algorithm to the patterns in the TECs that it discovers. RRT attempts to remove translators from each TEC without reducing its covered set. When evaluated with COSIATEC, SIATECCompress and Forth's algorithm on the JKU Patterns Development Database, using RECURSIA with or without RRT increased compression factor and recall but reduced precision. Using RRT alone increased compression factor and reduced recall and precision, but had a smaller effect than RECURSIA.
翻译:提出了两种算法,即RECURSIA和RRT,目的是增加使用SINATEC的点定覆盖算法实现的压缩系数。RECURSIA对它发现的技术执行委员会的模式反复使用技术执行委员会的覆盖算法。RRT试图将翻译从每个技术执行委员会中除去,而不减少其覆盖组。在用COSIATEC、SEATEC压缩和Forth的算法对JKU模式开发数据库进行评价时,使用RECURSIA, 不论是否使用RRT增加的压缩系数, 并调回但降低精确度。仅使用RRT增加的压缩系数, 降低调回和精确度, 但效果小于RECURSIA。