Bridging the gap between internal and external validity is crucial for heterogeneous treatment effect estimation. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), favoured for their internal validity due to randomisation, often encounter challenges in generalising findings due to strict eligibility criteria. Observational studies on the other hand, provide external validity advantages through larger and more representative samples but suffer from compromised internal validity due to unmeasured confounding. Motivated by these complementary characteristics, we propose a novel Bayesian nonparametric approach leveraging multi-task Gaussian processes to integrate data from both RCTs and observational studies. In particular, we introduce a parameter which controls the degree of borrowing between the datasets and prevents the observational dataset from dominating the estimation. The value of the parameter can be either user-set or chosen through a data-adaptive procedure. Our approach outperforms other methods in point predictions across the covariate support of the observational study, and furthermore provides a calibrated measure of uncertainty for the estimated treatment effects, which is crucial when extrapolating. We demonstrate the robust performance of our approach in diverse scenarios through multiple simulation studies and a real-world education randomised trial.