Milner's complete proof system for observational congruence is crucially based on the possibility to equate $\tau$ divergent expressions to non-divergent ones by means of the axiom $recX. (\tau.X + E) = recX. \tau. E$. In the presence of a notion of priority, where, e.g., actions of type $\delta$ have a lower priority than silent $\tau$ actions, this axiom is no longer sound. Such a form of priority is, however, common in timed process algebra, where, due to the interpretation of $\delta$ as a time delay, it naturally arises from the maximal progress assumption. We here present our solution, based on introducing an auxiliary operator $pri(E)$ defining a "priority scope", to the long time open problem of axiomatizing priority using standard observational congruence: we provide a complete axiomatization for a basic process algebra with priority and (unguarded) recursion. We also show that, when the setting is extended by considering static operators of a discrete time calculus, an axiomatization that is complete over (a characterization of) finite-state terms can be developed by re-using techniques devised in the context of a cooperation with Prof. Jos Baeten.
翻译:Milner 用于观测一致性的完整证明系统至关重要,其依据是通过xxom $recX. (\tau.X + E) = recX.\tau. E$,将美元和非差异表达形式等同起来的可能性。在存在一个优先概念的情况下,例如,美元类型的行动比无声的$tau美元行动优先程度较低,这种轴心不再可靠。然而,这种优先形式在时间进程代数中是常见的,由于对美元=delta美元作为时间延迟的解释,这种形式自然产生于最大进展假设。我们在此提出我们的解决办法,其依据是引入一个辅助操作者$pri(E) 确定一个“优先范围”, 长期存在的使用标准观测共力将优先级别氧化的问题:我们为具有完整优先性和(未加保护的)累合性基本进程代数的代数提供了完全的共性化形式。我们还表明,当考虑一个固定的操作者对一个固定性期限进行扩展时,可以将一个固定的固定性期限加以扩展。