Bound propagation based incomplete neural network verifiers such as CROWN are very efficient and can significantly accelerate branch-and-bound (BaB) based complete verification of neural networks. However, bound propagation cannot fully handle the neuron split constraints introduced by BaB commonly handled by expensive linear programming (LP) solvers, leading to loose bounds and hurting verification efficiency. In this work, we develop $\beta$-CROWN, a new bound propagation based method that can fully encode neuron splits via optimizable parameters $\beta$ constructed from either primal or dual space. When jointly optimized in intermediate layers, $\beta$-CROWN generally produces better bounds than typical LP verifiers with neuron split constraints, while being as efficient and parallelizable as CROWN on GPUs. Applied to complete robustness verification benchmarks, $\beta$-CROWN with BaB is up to three orders of magnitude faster than LP-based BaB methods, and is notably faster than all existing approaches while producing lower timeout rates. By terminating BaB early, our method can also be used for efficient incomplete verification. We consistently achieve higher verified accuracy in many settings compared to powerful incomplete verifiers, including those based on convex barrier breaking techniques. Compared to the typically tightest but very costly semidefinite programming (SDP) based incomplete verifiers, we obtain higher verified accuracy with three orders of magnitudes less verification time. Our algorithm empowered the $\alpha,\!\beta$-CROWN (alpha-beta-CROWN) verifier, the winning tool in VNN-COMP 2021. Our code is available at
翻译:NROWN 等基于不完全神经网络的传播基于不完全的神经网络验证器非常高效,可以大大加快基于分支和约束(BAB)的神经网络的完整核查。然而,约束传播无法完全处理BB引入的神经分解限制,这些限制通常由昂贵的线性编程(LP)解算器处理,导致界限松散,损害核查效率。在这项工作中,我们开发了$\beta$-CROWN这一新的约束传播基方法,通过可优化参数对神经分解进行充分编码($\beta$)/从原始空间或双空空间构建的分解(BB)联合优化时,$\beta$-CROWN通常会比典型的具有神经分流限制的LP核查器更精度,同时与GPPUP上的 CROWN一样高效和平行。 用于完整校验基准的$\-C$- CROWN,比所有现有方法要快得多,同时产生更低的时速率率。 通过早期的BBB,我们的方法可以持续地进行更精确的校验,我们最精确的校验。