Diffractive optical networks unify wave optics and deep learning to all-optically compute a given machine learning or computational imaging task as the light propagates from the input to the output plane. Here, we report the design of diffractive optical networks for the classification and reconstruction of spatially overlapping, phase-encoded objects. When two different phase-only objects spatially overlap, the individual object functions are perturbed since their phase patterns are summed up. The retrieval of the underlying phase images from solely the overlapping phase distribution presents a challenging problem, the solution of which is generally not unique. We show that through a task-specific training process, passive diffractive networks composed of successive transmissive layers can all-optically and simultaneously classify two different randomly-selected, spatially overlapping phase images at the input. After trained with ~550 million unique combinations of phase-encoded handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset, our blind testing results reveal that the diffractive network achieves an accuracy of >85.8% for all-optical classification of two overlapping phase images of new handwritten digits. In addition to all-optical classification of overlapping phase objects, we also demonstrate the reconstruction of these phase images based on a shallow electronic neural network that uses the highly compressed output of the diffractive network as its input (with e.g., ~20-65 times less number of pixels) to rapidly reconstruct both of the phase images, despite their spatial overlap and related phase ambiguity. The presented phase image classification and reconstruction framework might find applications in e.g., computational imaging, microscopy and quantitative phase imaging fields.
翻译:diffractive 光学网络将波光学和深度学习统一起来, 以光学方式计算给定的机器学习或计算成像任务, 因为光从输入到输出平面。 在此, 我们报告用于空间重叠、 阶段编码对象分类和重建的 diffrent 光学网络设计。 当两个不同的阶段性天体空间重叠时, 单个对象功能会受到扰动, 因为它们的阶段模式被汇总。 仅仅从重叠的阶段分布中检索基础阶段图像, 是一个具有挑战性的问题, 其解决方案通常并不独特 。 我们显示, 通过任务特定的培训进程, 由连续传输层组成的被动的 diffractive 网络网络可以同时将两种不同的随机随机选择的、 空间重叠的阶段图像分类并同时进行分类 。 在使用了 ~ 550万个阶段 的阶段编码的手写数字组合后, 我们的显微测试结果显示, diffractive 网络的图像的分类为>85. 88% 用于所有光学化的 e- 级的图像分类, 重建阶段的图像, 复制阶段中, 复制阶段的升级阶段是新的手模版的图像的升级的升级的升级的升级的阶段, 。