Bayesian inference with nested sampling requires a likelihood-restricted prior sampling method, which draws samples from the prior distribution that exceed a likelihood threshold. For high-dimensional problems, Markov Chain Monte Carlo derivatives have been proposed. We numerically study ten algorithms based on slice sampling, hit-and-run and differential evolution algorithms in ellipsoidal, non-ellipsoidal and non-convex problems from 2 to 100 dimensions. Mixing capabilities are evaluated with the nested sampling shrinkage test. This makes our results valid independent of how heavy-tailed the posteriors are. Given the same number of steps, slice sampling is outperformed by hit-and-run and whitened slice sampling, while whitened hit-and-run does not provide as good results. Proposing along differential vectors of live point pairs also leads to the highest efficiencies, and appears promising for multi-modal problems. The tested proposals are implemented in the UltraNest nested sampling package, enabling efficient low and high-dimensional inference of a large class of practical inference problems relevant to astronomy, cosmology, particle physics and astronomy.
翻译:使用巢式取样的贝叶斯推断需要一种对可能性有限制的先前取样方法,从先前的分布中抽取超过概率阈值的样本。对于高维问题,已经提出了Markov 链条蒙特卡洛衍生物的建议。我们用数字研究十种算法,这些算法基于切片取样、撞击和运行以及分演算法,这些算法基于单线、非线性和非线性和非线性的问题,从2到100个维度。混合能力与巢式取样缩缩缩试验一起进行评估。这使我们的结果是有效的,而不论后方的尺寸有多重。鉴于同样的步骤,切片取样是用打、跑和白切片取样来完成的,而白切片取样则不作为好的结果。用活点对子的不同矢量来推算出效率最高,而且看来对多模式问题很有希望。经过测试的建议是在顶级缩缩式取样包中实施,使得与天文学、宇宙学、物理学、物理学和天文学有关的大量实际推论问题能够高效地低和高度推论。