In this paper we address the problem of testing whether two observed trees $(t,t')$ are sampled either independently or from a joint distribution under which they are correlated. This problem, which we refer to as correlation detection in trees, plays a key role in the study of graph alignment for two correlated random graphs. Motivated by graph alignment, we investigate the conditions of existence of one-sided tests, i.e. tests which have vanishing type I error and non-vanishing power in the limit of large tree depth. For the correlated Galton-Watson model with Poisson offspring of mean $\lambda>0$ and correlation parameter $s \in (0,1)$, we identify a phase transition in the limit of large degrees at $s = \sqrt{\alpha}$, where $\alpha \sim 0.3383$ is Otter's constant. Namely, we prove that no such test exists for $s \leq \sqrt{\alpha}$, and that such a test exists whenever $s > \sqrt{\alpha}$, for $\lambda$ large enough. This result sheds new light on the graph alignment problem in the sparse regime (with $O(1)$ average node degrees) and on the performance of the MPAlign method studied in Ganassali et al. (2021), Piccioli et al. (2021), proving in particular the conjecture of Piccioli et al. (2021) that MPAlign succeeds in the partial recovery task for correlation parameter $s>\sqrt{\alpha}$ provided the average node degree $\lambda$ is large enough.
翻译:在本文中, 我们处理测试两个观测到的树( t, t) 是否独立采样, 或来自与其相关的联合分布。 这个问题, 我们称之为树中的关联检测, 在两个相关随机图的图形对齐研究中发挥着关键作用。 我们通过图形对齐来研究单面测试存在的条件, 即, 已经消失类型I 错误和在大树深度限度内非损耗力的测试。 Galton- Watson 模型与 Poisson 后代的关联型号是 $\ lambda> 0$ 和相关参数 $\ 美元 ( 0, 1, 美元) 。 我们发现一个大度范围内的转变, $ = sqrt; $ = 0. 3383 美元是Otter 恒定值的常数。 我们证明, 美元 leq leq 和 cialphal} 等值是没有这样的测试, 只要美元 美元( 美元 美元 =xxx lex) legal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal) a deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal.