This paper deals with the problem of automatically and correctly controlling infinite-state reactive programs to achieve LTL goals. Applications include adapting a program to new requirements, or to repair bugs discovered in the original specification or program code. Existing approaches are able to solve this problem for safety and some reachability properties, but require an a priori template of the solution for more general properties. Fully automated approaches for full LTL exist, reducing the problem into successive finite LTL reactive synthesis problems in an abstraction-refinement loop. However, they do not terminate when the number of steps to be completed depends on unbounded variables. Our main insight is that safety abstractions of the program are not enough -- fairness properties are also essential to be able to decide many interesting problems, something missed by existing automated approaches. We thus go beyond the state-of-the-art to allow for automated reactive program control for full LTL, with automated discovery of the knowledge, including fairness, of the program needed to determine realisability. We further implement the approach in a tool, with an associated DSL for reactive programs, and illustrate the approach through several case studies.