Features that are equivariant to a larger group of symmetries have been shown to be more discriminative and powerful in recent studies. However, higher-order equivariant features often come with an exponentially-growing computational cost. Furthermore, it remains relatively less explored how rotation-equivariant features can be leveraged to tackle 3D shape alignment tasks. While many past approaches have been based on either non-equivariant or invariant descriptors to align 3D shapes, we argue that such tasks may benefit greatly from an equivariant framework. In this paper, we propose an effective and practical SE(3) (3D translation and rotation) equivariant network for point cloud analysis that addresses both problems. First, we present SE(3) separable point convolution, a novel framework that breaks down the 6D convolution into two separable convolutional operators alternatively performed in the 3D Euclidean and SO(3) spaces. This significantly reduces the computational cost without compromising the performance. Second, we introduce an attention layer to effectively harness the expressiveness of the equivariant features. While jointly trained with the network, the attention layer implicitly derives the intrinsic local frame in the feature space and generates attention vectors that can be integrated into different alignment tasks. We evaluate our approach through extensive studies and visual interpretations. The empirical results demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms strong baselines in a variety of benchmarks
翻译:最近的研究显示,与较大一组的对称性不同的特征具有更大的差别性和威力。然而,高阶等异性特征往往伴随着急剧增长的计算成本。此外,它仍然相对较少探索如何利用旋转-等异特征来应对3D形状的对齐任务。虽然过去的许多方法都基于非等异或无异描述符来调整3D形状,但我们认为,这种任务可能大大受益于一个不等异框架。在本文件中,我们提出一个有效和实用的 SE(3) (3D翻译和旋转) 等异性网络,用于针对这两个问题进行点云分析。首先,我们介绍SE(3) 相异点共振动,这是一个新的框架,将6D变异变变成两个相相异的同动操作者,或者在3D Euclidean和SO(3) 3 空间模型中进行。这大大降低了计算成本,而不会损害性能。第二,我们提出一个关注层,以有效地利用清晰的SE(3) (3D) (3D) (S) (S) (equal) (equal) (e) (equal) (equal convial comlial comliversal comliversal) resulation resulation resulation resulation resulational resulational resutyal) lection) resulationalutalutalute) resutus resutus ress comm resm resm resm extraveloption commation resmational commational resmational resmational comm comm resmations commissations comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm comm commational commal commal commation comm comm comm commation comm comm comm commation comm comm comm comm commm comm comm comm commblemental comm