Non-signalling boxes (NS) are theoretical resources defined by the principle of no-faster-than-light communication. They generalize quantum correlations (Q), and some of them are known to collapse communication complexity (CC). However, this collapse is strongly believed to be unachievable in Nature, so its study leads to a better understanding of Q. In the present letter, we find a better sufficient condition for a nonlocal box to collapse CC, thus extending the known collapsing region. In some slices of NS, we show this condition coincides with an area outside of an ellipse.
翻译:非信号箱(NS)是理论资源,根据不快于光的通信原则定义。它们概括量子相关关系(Q),其中一些已知会破坏通信的复杂性(CC ) 。然而,人们强烈认为,这种崩溃在自然界是不可能实现的,因此其研究导致对Q的更好理解。在本信中,我们找到了一个更好的条件,使非本地的盒子能够崩溃CC,从而扩大了已知的崩溃区域。在NS的一些片段中,我们展示了这一条件与椭圆外的一个区域相吻合。