The cross-speaker emotion transfer task in TTS particularly aims to synthesize speech for a target speaker with the emotion transferred from reference speech recorded by another (source) speaker. During the emotion transfer process, the identity information of the source speaker could also affect the synthesized results, resulting in the issue of speaker leakage. This paper proposes a new method with the aim to synthesize controllable emotional expressive speech and meanwhile maintain the target speaker's identity in the cross-speaker emotion TTS task. The proposed method is a Tacotron2-based framework with the emotion embedding as the conditioning variable to provide emotion information. Two emotion disentangling modules are contained in our method to 1) get speaker-independent and emotion-discriminative embedding, and 2) explicitly constrain the emotion and speaker identity of synthetic speech to be that as expected. Moreover, we present an intuitive method to control the emotional strength in the synthetic speech for the target speaker. Specifically, the learned emotion embedding is adjusted with a flexible scalar value, which allows controlling the emotion strength conveyed by the embedding. Extensive experiments have been conducted on a Mandarin disjoint corpus, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to synthesize reasonable emotional speech for the target speaker. Compared to the state-of-the-art reference embedding learned methods, our method gets the best performance on the cross-speaker emotion transfer task, indicating that our method achieves the new state-of-the-art performance on learning the speaker-independent emotion embedding. Furthermore, the strength ranking test and pitch trajectories plots demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively control the emotion strength, leading to prosody-diverse synthetic speech.
翻译:TTS 的跨声音情感传输任务, 特别是旨在将目标演讲者的语音与另一个(源)演讲者所录参考演讲中传来的情感混合在一起。 在情感传输过程中, 源演讲者的身份信息也会影响合成结果, 导致演讲者泄漏问题。 本文提出一种新的方法, 目的是将可控的情绪表达式整合起来, 同时在跨声音情感 TTS 任务中保持目标演讲者的身份。 提议的方法是一个基于Tacotron2- 的框架, 情感嵌入为提供情绪信息的调控变异器。 我们的方法中包含两个情感分解模块, 以便1) 使语言独立和情感偏差嵌入化, 2) 源演讲者的身份信息也会影响合成结果的合成结果。 此外, 我们提出了一种直觉方法, 来控制合成演讲者情感表达的情绪强度。 所学情感嵌入式的情感嵌入为灵活的调控器, 嵌入式语言中, 正在对曼达林的情绪流化变异性分析器进行广泛的实验, 将智能转换为我们的语言变换方法, 将智能变换为智能变换为智能变压方法, 。