We study several variants of a combinatorial game which is based on Cantor's diagonal argument. The game is between two players called Kronecker and Cantor. The names of the players are motivated by the known fact that Leopold Kronecker did not appreciate Georg Cantor's arguments about the infinite, and even referred to him as a "scientific charlatan". In the game Kronecker maintains a list of m binary vectors, each of length n, and Cantor's goal is to produce a new binary vector which is different from each of Kronecker's vectors, or prove that no such vector exists. Cantor does not see Kronecker's vectors but he is allowed to ask queries of the form"What is bit number j of vector number i?" What is the minimal number of queries with which Cantor can achieve his goal? How much better can Cantor do if he is allowed to pick his queries \emph{adaptively}, based on Kronecker's previous replies? The case when m=n is solved by diagonalization using n (non-adaptive) queries. We study this game more generally, and prove an optimal bound in the adaptive case and nearly tight upper and lower bounds in the non-adaptive case.
翻译:我们根据康托尔的对角参数研究了组合式游戏的几种变体。 游戏是在两个玩家之间, 叫做克朗克尔和坎托。 玩家的名字的动机是已知的事实, 利奥波尔德· 克罗内克尔不欣赏乔治·坎托尔关于无限的争论, 甚至称他为“ 科学的骗术 ” 。 在游戏中, 克罗内克尔保留了一个 m 双向矢量列表, 每个长度的 n, 坎托尔的目标是产生一个新的双向矢量, 与克朗克尔的向量不同, 或者证明不存在新的向量。 玩家的名字的动机是已知的事实, 利奥波尔德· 克罗内克尔不欣赏Georg Cantor关于无限无限的争论, 但允许他询问“ 乔治·坎托尔关于无限无限的争论 ” 。 在 Krondeker 的先前的回答中, 允许坎托尔以 Kron- propptial 来选择他的询问, 如何更好呢? 当M=n- daldaldaldalizen 案例研究中, 并用最优化的硬化的硬化的硬化 和硬化的硬化 来解决这个案子时,?