Robotic cutting of soft materials is critical for applications such as food processing, household automation, and surgical manipulation. As in other areas of robotics, simulators can facilitate controller verification, policy learning, and dataset generation. Moreover, differentiable simulators can enable gradient-based optimization, which is invaluable for calibrating simulation parameters and optimizing controllers. In this work, we present DiSECt: the first differentiable simulator for cutting soft materials. The simulator augments the finite element method (FEM) with a continuous contact model based on signed distance fields (SDF), as well as a continuous damage model that inserts springs on opposite sides of the cutting plane and allows them to weaken until zero stiffness, enabling crack formation. Through various experiments, we evaluate the performance of the simulator. We first show that the simulator can be calibrated to match resultant forces and deformation fields from a state-of-the-art commercial solver and real-world cutting datasets, with generality across cutting velocities and object instances. We then show that Bayesian inference can be performed efficiently by leveraging the differentiability of the simulator, estimating posteriors over hundreds of parameters in a fraction of the time of derivative-free methods. Finally, we illustrate that control parameters in the simulation can be optimized to minimize cutting forces via lateral slicing motions. We publish videos and additional results on our project website at
翻译:软材料的机械切割对于食品加工、家庭自动化和外科操作等应用至关重要。 在机器人操作等其他领域, 模拟器可以促进控制器的核查、 政策学习和数据集生成。 此外, 不同的模拟器可以促成基于梯度的优化, 这对于校准模拟参数和优化控制器非常宝贵。 在这项工作中, 我们介绍 Disecht: 首个不同的软材料切割模拟器。 模拟器可以使用基于已签名的距离字段( SDF) 的连续接触模型增强有限元素方法( FEM ) 。 以及一个连续的损坏模型, 在切割机的对面插入源头插入, 并允许它们减缩到零僵硬度, 能够形成裂缝。 我们通过各种实验, 评估模拟器的性能, 模拟器可以匹配结果力和软材料的变形体。 模拟器的模拟器的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 模拟器的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 最终的模拟力, 的模拟力, 的模拟力, 模拟力, 的, 最终的, 的, 模拟的, 的, 模拟的, 模拟的, 模拟的, 模拟的, 的, 的, 模拟的, 模拟的,,, 模拟的, 模拟的, 模拟力, 的, 的, 的, 的, 的, 模拟的, 的, 的, 的,, 的,, 的,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,