The takum machine number format has been recently proposed as an enhancement over the posit number format, which is considered a promising alternative to the IEEE 754 floating-point standard. Takums retain the useful posit properties, but feature a novel exponent coding scheme that yields more precision for small and large magnitude numbers. Takum's dynamic range is larger and bounded, as reflected in its name, derived from the Icelandic 'takmarka{\dh} umfang', meaning 'limited range'. Consequently, the selection of bit string lengths becomes determined solely by precision requirements and independent of dynamic range considerations. Takum is defined in both a logarithmic number system (LNS) format and a traditional floating-point format. This paper presents the design and implementation of a hardware codec for both the logarithmic and floating-point takum formats. The design primarily focuses on the codec, as both formats share a common internal arithmetic representation. Non-essential aspects of current posit designs, such as fused or pipelined architectures and the choice of floating-point IP cores, are thus omitted. The proposed takum codec, implemented in VHDL, demonstrates near-optimal scalability and performance on an FPGA, matching or exceeding state-of-the-art posit codecs in terms of both latency and LUT utilisation.