This paper addresses the integration of \emph{epistemic entrenchment} into paraconsistent belief revision systems based on Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs). While systems like AGMp and AGM$\circ$ adapt AGM principles to paraconsistency, they lack mechanisms to rank beliefs, primarily due to the absence of properties such as the \emph{replacement property} in the underlying logics. We introduce two novel logics, \textbf{Cbr} and \textbf{RCBr}, with the latter extending the former to fully address these limitations given that it is self-extensional. Using \textbf{RCBr}, we define contraction operations via \emph{epistemic entrenchment}, adhering to key rationality principles. Our framework leverages non-deterministic matrix semantics (Nmatrices), providing a robust foundation for paraconsistent reasoning. These contributions advance the theory of paraconsistent belief revision and pave the way for applications in domains such as multi-agent systems and inconsistent knowledge bases.