The problem of scheduling unrelated machines has been studied since the inception of algorithmic mechanism design \cite{NR99}. It is a resource allocation problem that entails assigning $m$ tasks to $n$ machines for execution. Machines are regarded as strategic agents who may lie about their execution costs so as to minimize their allocated workload. To address the situation when monetary payment is not an option to compensate the machines' costs, \citeauthor{DBLP:journals/mst/Koutsoupias14} [2014] devised two \textit{truthful} mechanisms, K and P respectively, that achieve an approximation ratio of $\frac{n+1}{2}$ and $n$, for social cost minimization. In addition, no truthful mechanism can achieve an approximation ratio better than $\frac{n+1}{2}$. Hence, mechanism K is optimal. While approximation ratio provides a strong worst-case guarantee, it also limits us to a comprehensive understanding of mechanism performance on various inputs. This paper investigates these two scheduling mechanisms beyond the worst case. We first show that mechanism K achieves a smaller social cost than mechanism P on every input. That is, mechanism K is pointwise better than mechanism P. Next, for each task $j$, when machines' execution costs $t_i^j$ are independent and identically drawn from a task-specific distribution $F^j(t)$, we show that the average-case approximation ratio of mechanism K converges to a constant. This bound is tight for mechanism K. For a better understanding of this distribution dependent constant, on the one hand, we estimate its value by plugging in a few common distributions; on the other, we show that this converging bound improves a known bound \cite{DBLP:conf/aaai/Zhang18} which only captures the single-task setting. Last, we find that the average-case approximation ratio of mechanism P converges to the same constant.
翻译:自算法机制设计开始以来,已经研究过不相关的机器的时间安排问题。 这是一个资源分配问题, 需要将1万美元的任务分配到美元机器, 用于执行。 机器被视为战略代理人, 可能隐瞒其执行费用, 以尽量减少分配的工作量。 为了解决货币支付不是补偿机器费用的选项的情况, 计算者{ DBLP: journals/ mst/ koutsoupias14} [2014] 设计了两个机制, K 和 P, 需要将美元比值分配到美元, 以尽量减少社会成本。 此外, 没有一个真实的机制可以实现比 $frac{ n+1} 更准确的近似比率。 因此, K 也最优化的近似比率提供了最坏的保证, 也使我们无法全面了解各种投入的机制的运行情况。 本文调查了这两个最坏的情况, 最坏的情况是, K- 最接近的汇率分配率比 N- 美元 平均的汇率机制显示一个比 NCxx 平均的汇率, 平均的运行成本。