Whilst lattice-based cryptosystems are believed to be resistant to quantum attack, they are often forced to pay for that security with inefficiencies in implementation. This problem is overcome by ring- and module-based schemes such as Ring-LWE or Module-LWE, whose keysize can be reduced by exploiting its algebraic structure, allowing for faster computations. Many rings may be chosen to define such cryptoschemes, but cyclotomic rings, due to their cyclic nature allowing for easy multiplication, are the community standard. However, there is still much uncertainty as to whether this structure may be exploited to an adversary's benefit. In this paper, we show that the decomposition group of a cyclotomic ring of arbitrary conductor can be utilised to significantly decrease the dimension of the ideal (or module) lattice required to solve a given instance of SVP. Moreover, we show that there exist a large number of rational primes for which, if the prime ideal factors of an ideal lie over primes of this form, give rise to an "easy" instance of SVP. It is important to note that the work on ideal SVP does not break Ring-LWE, since its security reduction is from worst case ideal SVP to average case Ring-LWE, and is one way.
翻译:虽然据信以拉蒂为主的加密系统对量子攻击有抗力,但它们往往被迫为这种安全付费,而执行效率低下。这个问题通过环状和模块式计划,如环状LWE或模块-LWE(其关键大小可以通过利用代数结构降低,从而进行更快的计算。许多环可以选择来定义这种加密化学,但环状环状环,由于其周期性性质,允许容易的倍增,是社区标准。然而,这一结构能否被利用为对手的惠益,还存在很大的不确定性。在本文中,我们表明一个任意指挥器环状环状和模块的分解组可以被利用来大幅降低解决SVP特定案例所需的理想(或模块)胶状的尺寸。此外,我们表明,由于这种形式的圆形圆形圆形圆形环圈的周期性,如果理想状态的主要理想因素是社区标准,那么这种结构是否会被利用为对手的利益所取代。在SVP上产生一个“容易的”例子。在SVP中,自SV-P最理想的Ring案以来,其最理想的SV-Ring Breal-Ring案很重要。SWE是减少的一个案例。S-Ring-Ring案是SV的一个重要。