N-ary relational knowledge bases (KBs) represent knowledge with binary and beyond-binary relational facts. Especially, in an n-ary relational fact, the involved entities play different roles, e.g., the ternary relation PlayCharacterIn consists of three roles, ACTOR, CHARACTER and MOVIE. However, existing approaches are often directly extended from binary relational KBs, i.e., knowledge graphs, while missing the important semantic property of role. Therefore, we start from the role level, and propose a Role-Aware Modeling, RAM for short, for facts in n-ary relational KBs. RAM explores a latent space that contains basis vectors, and represents roles by linear combinations of these vectors. This way encourages semantically related roles to have close representations. RAM further introduces a pattern matrix that captures the compatibility between the role and all involved entities. To this end, it presents a multilinear scoring function to measure the plausibility of a fact composed by certain roles and entities. We show that RAM achieves both theoretical full expressiveness and computation efficiency, which also provides an elegant generalization for approaches in binary relational KBs. Experiments demonstrate that RAM outperforms representative baselines on both n-ary and binary relational datasets.
翻译:N- 关系知识基础( KBs) 代表了二进制和二进制关系事实的知识。特别是,在n- 关系事实中,所涉实体发挥着不同的作用,例如,长期关系PlayCharacterIn由三个角色组成,即ACTOR、CHARACTER和MOVIE。然而,现有方法往往直接扩展自二进制关系KBs,即知识图,同时缺少角色的重要语义属性。因此,我们从角色层面开始,提出一个角色- 软件模型,为短期,用于 n- 关系KBs 中的事实。 记录室探索一个包含向量基础的潜在空间,并代表这些向量的线性组合的作用。这鼓励与语义相关的角色有密切的表达。 记录室还引入一个模式矩阵,以显示作用和所有相关实体之间的兼容性。为此,我们提出了一个多线性评分功能,以衡量由某些角色和实体构成的事实的可信度。我们展示了包含向向导的理论和向导的基级关系,同时展示了在实验性基式基式关系上的效率,同时展示了K- 。