The agriculture sector is increasingly adopting innovative technologies to meet the growing food demands of the global population. To optimize resource utilization and minimize crop losses, farmers are joining cooperatives to share their data and resources among member farms. However, while farmers benefit from this data sharing and interconnection, it exposes them to cybersecurity threats and privacy concerns. A cyberattack on one farm can have widespread consequences, affecting the targeted farm as well as all member farms within a cooperative. In this research, we address existing gaps by proposing a novel and secure architecture for Cooperative Smart Farming (CSF). First, we highlight the role of edge-based DTs in enhancing the efficiency and resilience of agricultural operations. To validate this, we develop a test environment for CSF, implementing various cyberattacks on both the DTs and their physical counterparts using different attack vectors. We collect two smart farming network datasets to identify potential threats. After identifying these threats, we focus on preventing the transmission of malicious data from compromised farms to the central cloud server. To achieve this, we propose a CNN-Transformer-based network anomaly detection model, specifically designed for deployment at the edge. As a proof of concept, we implement this model and evaluate its performance by varying the number of encoder layers. Additionally, we apply Post-Quantization to compress the model and demonstrate the impact of compression on its performance in edge environments. Finally, we compare the model's performance with traditional machine learning approaches to assess its overall effectiveness.