Let $W$ be a binary-input memoryless symmetric (BMS) channel with Shannon capacity $I(W)$ and fix any $\alpha > 0$. We construct, for any sufficiently small $\delta > 0$, binary linear codes of block length $O(1/\delta^{2+\alpha})$ and rate $I(W)-\delta$ that enable reliable communication on $W$ with quasi-linear time encoding and decoding. Shannon's noisy coding theorem established the \emph{existence} of such codes (without efficient constructions or decoding) with block length $O(1/\delta^2)$. This quadratic dependence on the gap $\delta$ to capacity is known to be best possible. Our result thus yields a constructive version of Shannon's theorem with near-optimal convergence to capacity as a function of the block length. This resolves a central theoretical challenge associated with the attainment of Shannon capacity. Previously such a result was only known for the erasure channel. Our codes are a variant of Ar{\i}kan's polar codes based on multiple carefully constructed local kernels, one for each intermediate channel that arises in the decoding. A crucial ingredient in the analysis is a strong converse of the noisy coding theorem when communicating using random linear codes on arbitrary BMS channels. Our converse theorem shows extreme unpredictability of even a single message bit for random coding at rates slightly above capacity.
翻译:让$W 变成一个半线性时间编码和解码的无内存对称( BMS) 频道, 以香农能力 $I(W) 建立无内存的对称( BMS) 频道, 并修复任何 $0 。 我们为任何足够小的 $delta > 0 美元, 建造区块长度的二进线代码 $O( 1/\delta\ ⁇ 2 ⁇ ⁇ ALpha}) 和 $I(W)\ delta 美元, 并按 $I(W)\ delta美元 的汇率, 使美元能够以准线性时间编码和解码的方式以美元进行可靠的通信联系。 香农的粗略编码略地建立了这种代码( 没有高效的构建或解码 ) 。 即使是在赛昂的频道上, 也只能知道这种代码的任意性 。 我们的每条代码都是以极易变的轨道 。