Applying pre-trained medical segmentation models on out-of-domain images often yields predictions of insufficient quality. Several strategies have been proposed to maintain model performance, such as finetuning or unsupervised- and source-free domain adaptation. These strategies set restrictive requirements for data availability. In this study, we propose to combine domain generalization and test-time adaptation to create a highly effective approach for reusing pre-trained models in unseen target domains. Domain-generalized pre-training on source data is used to obtain the best initial performance in the target domain. We introduce the MIND descriptor previously used in image registration tasks as a further technique to achieve generalization and present superior performance for small-scale datasets compared to existing approaches. At test-time, high-quality segmentation for every single unseen scan is ensured by optimizing the model weights for consistency given different image augmentations. That way, our method enables separate use of source and target data and thus removes current data availability barriers. Moreover, the presented method is highly modular as it does not require specific model architectures or prior knowledge of involved domains and labels. We demonstrate this by integrating it into the nnUNet, which is currently the most popular and accurate framework for medical image segmentation. We employ multiple datasets covering abdominal, cardiac, and lumbar spine scans and compose several out-of-domain scenarios in this study. We demonstrate that our method, combined with pre-trained whole-body CT models, can effectively segment MR images with high accuracy in all of the aforementioned scenarios. Open-source code can be found here: