Motivated by applications in hydrodynamics and networks of thermostatically-control loads in buildings we study control of linear dynamical systems driven by additive and also multiplicative noise of a general position. Utilizing mathematical theory of stochastic multiplicative processes we present a universal way to estimate fat, algebraic tails of the state vector probability distributions. This motivates us to introduce and analyze Mean-$q$-Power stability criterion, generalizing the mean-square stability criterion, and then juxtapose these techniques to other, classic tools in control.
翻译:受到在流体力学和建筑物中恒温控制负载网络等应用的启发,我们研究被加性和乘性噪声驱动的线性动态系统的控制,其位置是一个普遍存在的问题。利用随机乘法过程的数学理论,我们提出了一种估计态矢量概率分布的 fat,代数尾巴的通用方法。这促使我们引入和分析平均-$q$- 功率稳定性准则,将其概括为均方稳定性准则,并将这些技术与其他经典控制工具进行对比。