Recent research has shown growing interest in modeling hypergraphs, which capture polyadic interactions among entities beyond traditional dyadic relations. However, most existing methodologies for hypergraphs face significant limitations, including their heavy reliance on uniformity restrictions for hyperlink orders and their inability to account for repeated observations of identical hyperlinks. In this work, we introduce a novel and general latent embedding approach that addresses these challenges through the integration of latent embeddings, vertex degree heterogeneity parameters, and an order-adjusting parameter. Theoretically, we investigate the identifiability conditions for the latent embeddings and associated parameters, and we establish the convergence rates of their estimators along with asymptotic distributions. Computationally, we employ a projected gradient ascent algorithm for parameter estimation. Comprehensive simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm and validate the theoretical findings. Moreover, an application to a co-citation hypergraph illustrates the advantages of the proposed method.