Object detection neural network models need to perform reliably in highly dynamic and safety-critical environments like automated driving or robotics. Therefore, it is paramount to verify the robustness of the detection under unexpected hardware faults like soft errors that can impact a systems perception module. Standard metrics based on average precision produce model vulnerability estimates at the object level rather than at an image level. As we show in this paper, this does not provide an intuitive or representative indicator of the safety-related impact of silent data corruption caused by bit flips in the underlying memory but can lead to an over- or underestimation of typical fault-induced hazards. With an eye towards safety-related real-time applications, we propose a new metric IVMOD (Image-wise Vulnerability Metric for Object Detection) to quantify vulnerability based on an incorrect image-wise object detection due to false positive (FPs) or false negative (FNs) objects, combined with a severity analysis. The evaluation of several representative object detection models shows that even a single bit flip can lead to a severe silent data corruption event with potentially critical safety implications, with e.g., up to (much greater than) 100 FPs generated, or up to approx. 90% of true positives (TPs) are lost in an image. Furthermore, with a single stuck-at-1 fault, an entire sequence of images can be affected, causing temporally persistent ghost detections that can be mistaken for actual objects (covering up to approx. 83% of the image). Furthermore, actual objects in the scene are continuously missed (up to approx. 64% of TPs are lost). Our work establishes a detailed understanding of the safety-related vulnerability of such critical workloads against hardware faults.
翻译:在高度动态和安全关键的环境中,例如自动驾驶或机器人等,神经物体探测网络模型需要可靠地在高度动态和安全关键的环境中运行。因此,首先必须核实在意外硬件故障(如软错误)下检测的稳健性强度,如软错误,可能会影响系统感知模块。基于平均精确度的标准指标在目标层面而不是图像层面生成模型脆弱性估计值。正如我们在本文件中显示的,这并不能提供一个直观或有代表性的指标,说明由内存中点翻转造成的静态数据腐败对安全的影响,但可能导致对典型过失引起的危害的过度或低估。为了关注与安全相关的实际应用,我们提议一个新的 IVMOD(以图像识别易变易变度衡量器), 以错误的图像检测结果为基础, 而不是一个图像的错觉测值。 对多个有代表性的物体检测模型的评估显示, 即使是一小翻转, 也会导致一个严重的静态数据腐败事件, 其潜在的临界安全影响, 例如TP- 实时图像, 最高为 正确性图像 。