Avoiding harm is an uncontroversial aim of personalized medicine and other epidemiologic initiatives. However, the precise mathematical translation of "harm" is disputable. Here we use a formal causal language to study common, but distinct, definitions of "harm". We clarify that commitment to a definition of harm has important practical and philosophical implications for decision making. We relate our practical and philosophical considerations to ideas from medical ethics and legal practice.
翻译:避免伤害是个性化医学和其他流行病学倡议的一个没有争议的目标。 但是,“伤害”的精确数学翻译是有争议的。 我们在这里使用一种正式的因果语言来研究“伤害”的共同但截然不同的定义。 我们澄清,对损害定义的承诺对决策具有重要的实际和哲学影响。 我们把我们的实际和哲学考虑与医学伦理和法律实践的概念联系起来。