Considerable recent work has focused on methods for analyzing experiments which exhibit treatment interference -- that is, when the treatment status of one unit may affect the response of another unit. Such settings are common in experiments on social networks. We consider a model of treatment interference -- the K-nearest neighbors interference model (KNNIM) -- for which the response of one unit depends not only on the treatment status given to that unit, but also the treatment status of its $K$ ``closest'' neighbors. We derive causal estimands under KNNIM in a way that allows us to identify how each of the $K$-nearest neighbors contributes to the indirect effect of treatment. We propose unbiased estimators for these estimands and derive conservative variance estimates for these unbiased estimators. We then consider extensions of these estimators under an assumption of no weak interaction between direct and indirect effects. We perform a simulation study to determine the efficacy of these estimators under different treatment interference scenarios. We apply our methodology to an experiment designed to assess the impact of a conflict-reducing program in middle schools in New Jersey, and we give evidence that the effect of treatment propagates primarily through a unit's closest connection.