This paper explores a specific type of nonconvex sparsity-promoting regularization problems, namely those involving $\ell_p$-norm regularization, in conjunction with a twice continuously differentiable loss function. We propose a novel second-order algorithm designed to effectively address this class of challenging nonconvex and nonsmooth problems, showcasing several innovative features: (i) The use of an alternating strategy to solve a reweighted $\ell_1$ regularized subproblem and the subspace approximate Newton step. (ii) The reweighted $\ell_1$ regularized subproblem relies on a convex approximation to the nonconvex regularization term, enabling a closed-form solution characterized by the soft-thresholding operator. This feature allows our method to be applied to various nonconvex regularization problems. (iii) Our algorithm ensures that the iterates maintain their sign values and that nonzero components are kept away from 0 for a sufficient number of iterations, eventually transitioning to a perturbed Newton method. (iv) We provide theoretical guarantees of global convergence, local superlinear convergence in the presence of the Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz (KL) property, and local quadratic convergence when employing the exact Newton step in our algorithm. We also showcase the effectiveness of our approach through experiments on a diverse set of model prediction problems.