Capturing and labeling real-world 3D data is laborious and time-consuming, which makes it costly to train strong 3D models. To address this issue, previous works generate randomized 3D scenes and pre-train models on generated data. Although the pre-trained models gain promising performance boosts, previous works have two major shortcomings. First, they focus on only one downstream task (i.e., object detection). Second, a fair comparison of generated data is still lacking. In this work, we systematically compare data generation methods using a unified setup. To clarify the generalization of the pre-trained models, we evaluate their performance in multiple tasks (e.g., object detection and semantic segmentation) and with different pre-training methods (e.g., masked autoencoder and contrastive learning). Moreover, we propose a new method to generate 3D scenes with spherical harmonics. It surpasses the previous formula-driven method with a clear margin and achieves on-par results with methods using real-world scans and CAD models.