Euler diagrams are an intuitive and popular method to visualize set-based data. In a Euler diagram, each set is represented as a closed curve, and set intersections are shown by curve overlaps. However, Euler diagrams are not visually scalable and automatic layout techniques struggle to display real-world data sets in a comprehensible way. Prior state-of-the-art approaches can embed Euler diagrams by splitting a closed curve into multiple curves so that a set is represented by multiple disconnected enclosed areas. In addition, these methods typically result in multiple curve segments being drawn concurrently. Both of these features significantly impede understanding. In this paper, we present a new and scalable method for embedding Euler diagrams using set merges. Our approach simplifies the underlying data to ensure that each set is represented by a single, connected enclosed area and that the diagram is drawn without curve concurrency, leading to well formed and understandable Euler diagrams.