The selection of most informative and discriminative features from high-dimensional data has been noticed as an important topic in machine learning and data engineering. Using matrix factorization-based techniques such as nonnegative matrix factorization for feature selection has emerged as a hot topic in feature selection. The main goal of feature selection using matrix factorization is to extract a subspace which approximates the original space but in a lower dimension. In this study, rank revealing QR (RRQR) factorization, which is computationally cheaper than singular value decomposition (SVD), is leveraged in obtaining the most informative features as a novel unsupervised feature selection technique. This technique uses the permutation matrix of QR for feature selection which is a unique property to this factorization method. Moreover, QR factorization is embedded into non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) objective function as a new unsupervised feature selection method. Lastly, a hybrid feature selection algorithm is proposed by coupling RRQR, as a filter-based technique, and a Genetic algorithm as a wrapper-based technique. In this method, redundant features are removed using RRQR factorization and the most discriminative subset of features are selected using the Genetic algorithm. The proposed algorithm shows to be dependable and robust when compared against state-of-the-art feature selection algorithms in supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised settings. All methods are tested on seven available microarray datasets using KNN, SVM and C4.5 classifiers. In terms of evaluation metrics, the experimental results shows that the proposed method is comparable with the state-of-the-art feature selection.
翻译:在机器学习和数据工程中,人们注意到从高维数据中选择信息最丰富和最具歧视性的特征是一个重要议题。使用基于矩阵的因子化技术,例如用于特征选择的非负式矩阵因子化,在特征选择中作为一个热题出现。使用矩阵因子化的主要目的,是提取一个与原始空间相近但在较低层面的子空间。在本研究中,通过计算比单值分解(SVD)更廉价的 QR(RRQR)因子化,在获得最基于信息的特点选择技术(新颖的、不受监督的特性选择技术)时,利用基于矩阵的因子化技术,这种技术在选择特征时使用QRR(QR)的变异性矩阵。此外,QR(QR)因不具有新的不受监督的特性选择功能,因此,在采用基于过滤技术的混合RRRRR(S)和遗传算法作为基于包装的技术。在这一方法中,在采用最具有可比性的内,在使用可控制的内级的内,所有可变的内,在使用可比较的CRRLA值选择的内,所有可比较的因子特性特性显示的可比较的可比较的可变的可变式的Sq等的内,将显示的内,所有可比较的可比较的可变的可变式的可变式的SqLIFS。