Slow Feature Analysis (SFA) extracts slowly varying features from a quickly varying input signal. It has been successfully applied to modeling the visual receptive fields of the cortical neurons. Sufficient experimental results in neuroscience suggest that the temporal slowness principle is a general learning principle in visual perception. In this paper, we introduce the SFA framework to the problem of human action recognition by incorporating the discriminative information with SFA learning and considering the spatial relationship of body parts. In particular, we consider four kinds of SFA learning strategies, including the original unsupervised SFA (U-SFA), the supervised SFA (S-SFA), the discriminative SFA (D-SFA), and the spatial discriminative SFA (SD-SFA), to extract slow feature functions from a large amount of training cuboids which are obtained by random sampling in motion boundaries. Afterward, to represent action sequences, the squared first order temporal derivatives are accumulated over all transformed cuboids into one feature vector, which is termed the Accumulated Squared Derivative (ASD) feature. The ASD feature encodes the statistical distribution of slow features in an action sequence. Finally, a linear support vector machine (SVM) is trained to classify actions represented by ASD features. We conduct extensive experiments, including two sets of control experiments, two sets of large scale experiments on the KTH and Weizmann databases, and two sets of experiments on the CASIA and UT-interaction databases, to demonstrate the effectiveness of SFA for human action recognition.
翻译:缓慢地分析(SFA)从快速不同的输入信号中缓慢地提取了缓慢的不同特征。它被成功地用于模拟视觉可容性神经神经神经元的视觉可容域。神经科学的足够实验性结果表明,时间慢化原则是视觉感知的一般学习原则。在本文件中,我们将SFA框架引入人类行动识别问题,将歧视信息与SFA学习结合起来,并考虑身体部分的空间关系。特别是,我们考虑了四种SFA学习战略,包括原始的未经监督的SFA(U-SFA)、受监督的SFA(S-SFA)、受监督的SFA(D-SFA)和空间有歧视性的SFA(S-SFA),从大量通过运动边界随机抽样采集的培养的幼细胞中提取缓慢的特性功能。之后,所有变形的幼崽的最初顺序累积成一种特性矢量,称为Aquld Derivation (AS) 特性,我们所监督的SDA-SD 定义的高度实验数据库的A-SDI 和大规模的SDA-SDA 实验,最后,我们所训练的SDA-S-S-SDA 和两个矢量实验的统计序列, 的慢式的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的统计分布,我们代表了SDA-SDA-SDA-S-SDA-A 和两个矢量操作的统计-S-S-S-SDA-A-SDA-SDA-SDA-A的顺序的分类的分类的分类的分类两个矢量操作的分类的统计性操作的顺序的分类的分类的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的顺序的分类。