Objectives: We describe here the interviews we conducted in late 2021 with 19 researchers at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies at the University of Bologna. The purpose has been to shed light on the definition of the word "data" in the humanities domain, as far as FAIR data management practices are concerned, and on what researchers think of the term. Methods: We invited one researcher for each of the disciplinary areas represented within the department and all 19 accepted to participate in the study. We divided participants into 5 main research areas: philology and literary criticism, language and linguistics, history of art, computer science, archival studies. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using a grounded theory approach. Results: A list of 13 research data types in the humanities has been compiled thanks to the information collected from participants; publications emerge as the most important one. The term "data" does not seem to be especially problematic, contrary to what has been reported elsewhere. Regarding current research and data management practices, methodologies and teamwork appear more central than previously reported. Conclusions: "Data" in the FAIR framework need to include all types of input and outputs humanities research work with, including publications. Humanities researchers appear ready for a discussion around making their data FAIR: they do not find the terminology particularly problematic, while they rely on precise and recognised methodologies, as well as on sharing and collaboration. Future studies should include more disciplines to paint a more precise picture.