Edge audio devices can reduce data bandwidth requirements by pre-processing input speech on the device before transmission to the cloud. As edge devices are required to ensure always-on operation, their stringent power constraints pose several design challenges and force IC designers to look for solutions that use low standby power. One promising bio-inspired approach is to combine the continuous-time analog filter channels with a small memory footprint deep neural network that is trained on edge tasks such as keyword spotting, thereby allowing all blocks to be embedded in an IC. This paper reviews the historical background of the continuous-time analog filter circuits that have been used as feature extractors for current edge audio devices. Starting from the interpretation of a basic biquad filter as a two-integrator-loop topology, we introduce the progression in the design of second-order low-pass and band-pass filters ranging from OTA-based to source-follower-based architectures. We also derive and analyze the small-signal transfer function and discuss their usage in edge audio applications.
边缘音频设备可以通过在传输到云端之前在设备上预处理输入语音来减少数据带宽需求。由于边缘设备需要保证一直处于开启状态,因此它们严格的功率限制带来了几个设计挑战,并迫使 IC 设计者寻找使用低待机功率的解决方案。一种有前途的仿生方法是将连续时间模拟滤波器通道与一个小内存足够的深度神经网络结合起来,该网络针对关键词识别等边缘任务进行训练,从而允许所有块都被嵌入 IC 中。本文回顾了用作当前边缘音频设备的特征提取器的连续时间模拟滤波器电路的历史背景。从将基本双二阶环路拓扑结构解释为双积分器环路开始,我们介绍了二阶低通和带通滤波器设计的进展,从 OTA 为基础的到源跟随器为基础的架构。我们还推导和分析了小信号传递函数,并讨论了它们在边缘音频应用中的使用。