Due to the high number of users on social media and the massive amounts of queries requested every second to share a new video, picture, or message, social platforms struggle to manage this humungous amount of data that is endlessly coming in. HFTCT relies on wordlists to classify opinions. It can carry out its tasks reasonably well; however, sometimes, the wordlists themselves fail to be reliable as they are a limited source of positive and negative words.
翻译:由于社交媒体上的用户数量众多,以及大量询问要求每秒分享一部新的视频、图片或信息,社交平台为管理这种无休止流入的无休止数量庞大的数据而挣扎。 高科技委员会依靠名词列表来对意见进行分类,它可以合理地很好地完成任务;然而,有时,名词列表本身并不可靠,因为它们是正面和负面词句的有限来源。