Using a residuum approach, we provide a complete description of the space of the rational spatial curves of given tangent directions. The rational Pythagorean hodograph curves are obtained as a special case when the norm of the direction field is a perfect square. The basis for the curve space is given explicitly. Consequently a number of interpolation problems ($G^1$, $C^1$, $C^2$, $C^1/G^2$) in this space become linear, cusp avoidance can be encoded by linear inequalities, and optimization problems like minimal energy or optimal length are quadratic and can be solved efficiently via quadratic programming. We outline the interpolation/optimization strategy and demonstrate it on several examples.
翻译:使用Residuum 方法,我们完整地描述了特定正切方向的合理空间曲线的空间。当方向场的规范是完美的正方形时,理性的Pythagorean全表曲线作为特例获得。曲线空间的基础被明确给出。因此,在这个空间中出现了一些内插问题(G$1, 1美元, $C$1, 2美元, $C1, $C$2, $C%1, $C%2 美元 ), 避免临界值可以通过线性不平等来编码, 微量能源或最佳长度等优化问题具有二次性质, 可以通过四面形程序有效解决。我们概述了内插/优化战略,并在几个例子中展示了这一战略。