We consider a communication system where a base station serves $N$ users, one user at a time, over a wireless channel. We consider the timeliness of the communication of each user via the age of information metric. A constrained adversary can block at most a given fraction, $\alpha$, of the time slots over a horizon of $T$ slots, i.e., it can block at most $\alpha T$ slots. We show that an optimum adversary blocks $\alpha T$ consecutive time slots of a randomly selected user. The interesting consecutive property of the blocked time slots is due to the cumulative nature of the age metric.
翻译:我们考虑一个通信系统,一个基站在无线频道上为每个用户每个用户提供一美元服务。我们考虑每个用户在信息使用年龄标准时的通信及时性。一个受限制的对手最多可以屏蔽一个特定时间段的某一部分($\alpha$ ), 也就是说,它可以阻塞最多为$&alpha T$ 的空档。我们显示一个最佳的敌人区块($\alpha T$ ), 随机选择的用户的连续时间段。 被阻塞时间段连续出现的有趣的特性是由于时间段的累积性。