Sequential transfer optimization (STO), which aims to improve the optimization performance on a task at hand by exploiting the knowledge captured from several previously-solved optimization tasks stored in a database, has been gaining increasing research attention over the years. However, despite remarkable advances in algorithm design, the development of a systematic benchmark suite for comprehensive comparisons of STO algorithms received far less attention. Existing test problems are either simply generated by assembling other benchmark functions or extended from specific practical problems with limited variations. The relationships between the optimal solutions of the source and target tasks in these problems are always manually configured, limiting their ability to model different relationships presented in real-world problems. Consequently, the good performance achieved by an algorithm on these problems might be biased and could not be generalized to other problems. In light of the above, in this study, we first introduce four rudimentary concepts for characterizing STO problems (STOPs) and present an important problem feature, namely similarity distribution, which quantitatively delineates the relationship between the optima of the source and target tasks. Then, we propose the general design guidelines and a problem generator with superior scalability. Specifically, the similarity distribution of an STOP can be easily customized, enabling a continuous spectrum of representation of the diverse similarity relationships of real-world problems. Lastly, a benchmark suite with 12 STOPs featured by a variety of customized similarity relationships is developed using the proposed generator, which would serve as an arena for STO algorithms and provide more comprehensive evaluation results. The source code of the problem generator is available at