Rapid CMOS device size reduction resulted in billions of transistors on a chip have led to integration of many cores leading to many challenges such as increased power dissipation, thermal dissipation, occurrence of transient faults and permanent faults. The mitigation of transient faults and permanent faults at the core level has become an important design parameter in a multi-core scenario. Core level techniques is a redundancy-based fault mitigation technique that improves the lifetime reliability of multi-core systems. In an asymmetric multi-core system, the smaller cores provide fault tolerance to larger cores is a core level fault mitigation technique that has gained momentum and focus from many researchers. The paper presents an economical, asymmetric multi-core system with one instruction cores (MCSOIC). The term Hardware Cost Estimation signifies power and area estimation for MCS-OIC. In MCSOIC, OIC is a warm standby redundant core. OICs provide functional support to conventional cores for shorter periods of time. To evaluate the idea, different configurations of MCSOIC is synthesized using FPGA and ASIC. The maximum power overhead and maximum area overhead are 0.46% and 11.4% respectively. The behavior of OICs in MCS-OIC is modelled using a One-Shot System (OSS) model for reliability analysis. The model parameters namely, readiness, wakeup probability and start-up-strategy for OSS are mapped to the multi-core systems with OICs. Expressions for system reliability is derived. System reliability is estimated for special cases.