项目名称: 适用于无线传感器网络SOC的低功耗低成本SAR型A/D转换器设计研究
项目编号: No.61306028
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 朱晓雷
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 无线传感器网络(WSN)是一种以感知环境为目的、由大量具有传感、数据处理、无线通信等功能的微节点构成的自组织网络系统。WSN的SOC硬件实现对其关键模块ADC性能指标提出苛刻要求,纳米尺度集成电路的发展趋势让低功耗低成本ADC的设计面临巨大挑战。本项目将从优化ADC芯片面积和功耗角度出发,将开发一种基于阈值可调比较器和分列电容阵列DAC的新颖的SAR型ADC结构设计方法,并对其中的关键模块进行优化,由此可有效减少ADC精度对电容阵列DAC的位数的依赖,减小了DAC的面积,从而大幅降低了ADC的成本和功耗。由于WSN工作于复杂环境,PVT变化将严重影响ADC的整体性能,本项目将开发一种基于ADC误码密度分布检测的片上后向数字校正方法,其算法简单直观,易于SOC实现,且不会显著增加功耗。项目成果在军事侦察、医疗检测,物联网等领域有广泛的应用前景,其IP核的开发可带来良好的经济效益。
中文关键词: 逐次逼近模数转换器;低功耗;数字校准技术;阈值可调节比较器;
英文摘要: A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a self-organized network consists of large amount of tiny sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. These tiny sensor nodes are able to sense, data process, and communicate. ADC is a key module of a WSN node. From the requirements for the WSN SOC, the target specification for the ADC is very tough. Designing a low power low cost ADC is always challenging with the development of the Nano-meter scaled CMOS technology. From the power efficiency and area efficiency point of view, this project develops a novel architecture for ADC design, which use a threshold configurable comparator and a split C-DAC array. Based on this, the area of C-DAC is able to effectively shrink since the dependence on the number of bit of the ADC can be relaxed. Therefore, it can dramaticlly lower the system cost and power as well. Since the WSNs are always applied in a sophisticated environment, the PVT change will degrade the linearity performance of the ADC. This project develops a on chip digital background calibration technique by detecting the density of the error codes from the ADC output. The algorithem is simple, easy for SOC and it's hardware consumes a small amount of power. The achievements of this project are expected to be widely used in many applications, such as military recon
英文关键词: SAR ADC;Low power;Digital calibration;Threshold configuration comparator;